
Podcast: How Your Environment Can Improve the Patient Experience

March 26, 2015 — From the Mayo Clinic Center for Innovation:

When the snow starts melting and temperatures turn above freezing here in Minnesota, everyone becomes happier. There’s an almost tangible change in everyone’s attitude that is powerful. If the changing of the season can have this profound effect on people’s well-being, how much of an effect can the environment of a clinical setting have on someone’s recovery?

This very question was the impetus for what Transform Presenter Susan Mazer, Ph.D., took to create the C.A.R.E. Channel and her Healing Healthcare Systems business.

For Dr. Mazer, the environment of the patient’s room is critical to not only patient recovery, but also the clinical staff’s well-being. In her own personal experience it became evident how the noises around the hospital, the lack of windows and layout of her room all affected her and the staff as they interacted.

We connected with Dr. Mazer on Skype to talk with her more about the Patient Experience, and how creating an environment that helped establish a human connection to the patient is beneficial to everyone.

Listen to the 28-minute podcast: