
Hong Kong Adventist Hospital is First C.A.R.E. Channel Client Outside of North America

hong_kong_adventist_photoJuly 25, 2014 — After more than 20 years of being broadcast exclusively in U.S. and Canadian hospitals, hospices, and long-term care facilities, The C.A.R.E. Channel is in its first hospital outside of North America.

“We are thrilled to include Hong Kong Adventist Hospital among our C.A.R.E. Channel clients,” said Haydn Bertelson, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of Healing HealthCare Systems.  “Because the need for a healing environment is universal, we are committed to delivering compassionate care not only here in the U.S., but wherever patients are in need. “

A private, not-for-profit 146-bed facility, Hong Kong Adventist Hospital serves locals and expatriates residing in Hong Kong, as well as patients coming from overseas who demand a higher standard of medical care.  After visiting The C.A.R.E. Channel booth last year at the Association of Professional Chaplain’s conference in the U.S., Chaplain Rick Aldridge began the process of bringing C.A.R.E. to Hong Kong.

The channel went live at Adventist July 1st.