
C.A.R.E. Mentioned in Complementary Therapies in Nursing: Promoting Integrative Care (9th Edition)

Complementary Therapies in Nursing 9th EditionRN Lindquist, Ruth, PhD, et. al. Complementary Therapies in Nursing: Promoting Integrative Care 9th Edition. Springer Publishing, 2022.

The ninth edition of this acclaimed resource is completely updated to deliver the newest evidence-based research and practice guidelines for commonly used complementary therapies in nursing. The book delivers new and expanded international content including information highlighting indigenous culture-based therapies and systems of care. It features many recent advances in technology including digital resources facilitating effective delivery, monitoring, and measurement of therapy outcomes.

The C.A.R.E. Channel receives special mention in this latest edition, highlighting it’s use and effectiveness with patients and staff at the University Medical Center of Southern Nevada.

“Nurses at the University Medical Center of Southern Nevada reported using the C.A.R.E. Channel has been effective in assisting some patients in the intensive care unit being weaned off the ventilator, as well as decreasing their sedation requirements (McKinney & McGrorey, 2021).”

“A total of four tranquility rooms were created… Each Tranquility Room is decorated in a homelike environment, equipped with a computer to access the Continuous Ambient Relaxation Environment (C.A.R.E.) Channel, an essential oil diffuser, ambient lighting, a comfortable reclining chair, coloring books, self-care handouts, and various other modalities known for their ability to mitigate stress…The average stress score pre-tranquility room use was 6.83. The average stress score post-tranquility room use was 2.43. Clearly, the rooms were having a decidedly positive effect in reducing the stress experience by the staff.”

To learn more, purchase your own copy directly from the publisher, and use code CARE30 for 30% off at check out.
